Senin, 09 Mei 2016

Synonyms, Antonymns and hyponym

(2) SYNONYMY Synonymy is the state or phenomenon in which the  words that sound different (different in pronunciation)  b...

(3) ANTONYMY Antonymy is the state or phenomenon in which the  words have the sense relation which involve the  opposite ...
(a) Implicitly Gradable Pairs (Graded Antonym) refers to the    words related to the object they modify. The words    them...
 Another characteristic of certain pairs of gradable  antonyms is that one is marked and the other is  unmarked. The unm...
 Thus, „high‟ is the unmarked member of „high/low‟, similarly „tall‟ is the unmarked member of „tall/short‟, or „fast‟ is...
(b) Complementary Pairs (Complemetarity) refers to    the existence of pairs that the denial of one, implies    the assert...
 Related to complementary pairs, sets of terms like colors  or numbers where the assertion of one member implies the  neg...
(c) Relational Pairs (converseness) refers to the pair of   words that display symmetry in their meaning.     If X gives Y...
 Other commonly relational pairs are:     buy           ><             sell     push          ><             pull     ...
 In English, there are a number of ways to form antonyms.  You can add the prefix {un-}: Examples: likely >< unlikely    ...
(4) HYPONYMY Hyponymy is the state or phenomenon that shows the  relationship between more general term (lexical  represe...
 Sometimes there is no single word in the language that encompasses as set of hyponyms.  Example:   clarinet, guitar, pia...
Example of Taxonomy:                           vegetable    greens             pulses           roots             tubersca...
Look at the following list:   Tea   Black coffee   coffee   Milk   White coffee   Beverage  From the list, we can ma...

(1) Alliterative Comparisons:     dead as a dodo (dead as in extinct).     fit as a fiddle (in good health).     as good a...

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